Succulents are popular houseplants, but not all of them thrive indoors. On social media, one often sees sad, etiolated cacti, stretched into unnatural shapes due to lack of light. While some succulents, like Aeonium, grow like weeds outdoors here in California, I find they languish indoors. Beginners may opt for common big-box store succulents, such as Aloe vera, Kalanchoe Mother of Millions, and jade plants, but there is a deep and captivating world of more interesting succulents that make great houseplants. One such plant is Euphorbia francoisii, a succulent native to Madagascar. Here are a few reasons why it makes a delightful houseplant:
The new hybrids of Euphorbia francoisii are unique and show variation from plant to plant. A seedling you buy will be different in appearance and genetics from other plants.
Euphorbia francoisii prefers the cushy houseplant lifestyle, thriving on a sunny windowsill more than in a greenhouse or outdoors.
Euphorbia francoisii is low maintenance and won't suddenly die on you, as a lithops inevitably will.