Haworthia hybrid series PP530 #1 SOLD OUT
Description: PP530 was a cross of two of my best hybrids. Both parents feature blue tinged windows. One parent was my favorite plant from my "White Shark"PP118" groenewaldii hybrid series and the other was a selection with chunky leaves and blue windows from my PP186 hybrid series. The exact cross would be:
H. groenewaldii x PP22 (enigma x (splendens x Japanese hybrid))
Bev's wonder (badia x wimii cross) x PP22
Prickly Pete breeding program:
I have been hybridizing Haworthia for close to 25 years. Most of my hybrids are multi-generational complex hybrids created from carefully selected parental stock. I breed to intensify and combine leaf and window coloration, leaf texture and leaf shape traits.
Leaf coloration is influenced by the interaction of the pigmentation of the leaf and the coloration and the windows. The windows can be clear or can have spots which vary in size. In hybrids the spotting often turns the entire window opaque. I strive for obtaining reds, pink, purple, orange, phosphorescent green and iridescent blue.
Leaf texture can be smooth or bumpy or bristly. In some of my hybrids I get red colored spines and bumps.
Haworthia can have many variations in leaf shape. I use plants like truncata in my breeding to introduce variations in leaf shape.
In 2005 I started numbering my crosses to keep track of them. So my numbers are labeled as PP#. For each PP cross there will be multiple siblings, all genetically unique individuals that will express slightly different traits. Therefore you will be obtaining a one-of-a-kind plant that no one else has. I hope you take good care of it. The seedlings will change as the age and pigmentation will usually intensify over time.